Saturday, September 02, 2006

Little Kent and a little hungry

We went on a tour of Singapore last weekend, and one of the places that I had read about and was keen to go was Little Kent. Now, I knew that Singapore had China town, and a Little India, so I was eager to see what Little Kent was like. Tens of middle-aged ladies talking about butter? Men growing hops and barley, and sitting on tractors?

As it turned out, it was not quite like that, but was a lovely (cue Kent-terms) place to visit, and all of the street names were named after towns in Kent. Mainstone, Folkstone, Deal etc, so it felt a little like home. I've even looked at the street directory here, and there is a Lambeth Walk, and a Bedford Road, so more exciting road name pictures to come. Where's little Bedford? I think thats coming next July.

Some of the houses around that area were lovely, and it was quite nice to see that they were in really good condition. And loads of the people there were British, and one nice British chap even said hullo, Famous Five style as I walked past his house.

This was strange, because I had just been standing in the middle of the road like a crazy man taking a picture of a street sign, with cars going either side of me. He must have thought that a cross between Evel Knievel and an amateur photographer had just stepped off of the plane.

After exploring Little Kent, we had a bit of an exploration trip. One of the places we went was the site of one of the last battles of Singapore before it fell in WWII. Right on top of a hill, with spectacular views of Singapore, it seemed to be the ideal place for a last stand.

There was a tank there, and a nice plaque to tell a bit of a story. There was a class full of kids there as well, which was a poignant reminder to us all; never visit anything of any interest when school holidays are on. Ever.

We were a little peckish after all this excitement, and headed off to get some food. Here's a pic I took of an Indian chap flinging some dough to make roti prata, whish those of you in Singapore earlier this years will know and love!!

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