Friday, January 12, 2007


It’s raining in Singapore again. It seems as though the rainy season is well and truly upon us, and there have been flash floods in quite a few places around the island. To be honest, I have never seen rain like it; I waited in the office for the rain to subside before I took my lunch today, and dashed out when it stopped. However, it started again after about 2 minutes, and I am wet to my knees now!!

Incidentally, the Korean superstar Jung Ji Hoon (aka 'Rain') is coming to Singapore to perform, amongst other Asian countries. Korean Air have agreed to sponsor the trip, and a plane with 'Rain's Coming' painted on the side will ferry him around. That’s all we need: a plane advertising the monsoon season flying around…

Thos who are interested in these kind of things will be delighted to know that I had bak chor mee for lunch today.

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