Monday, February 05, 2007

Gold! Always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, you're indestructable...

As I have just posted, we've just retuned from Blighty. The land of fish & chips, gravy & chips (ooooh gravy), and online petitions to the PM.

The Prime Minster’s Open Petitions website has some commendable petitions (ensure that inheritance tax is scrapped in this year's Budget, for example), but others must be questioned. Tim Ireland and David Kitchen prove that the internet is truly a force for democratic good. More so, Tim Ireland’s signatories include "God, Creator of Worlds", which proves that broad-band access is really quite good these days.

I thought that the petition on parachute training was a joke as well, but apparently it's not. Which makes the cut in parachute training for the parachute regiment quite a joke, if it's true.

I'm feeling empowered today. Together, we might be able to change Britain. The question remains, tough; how many signatures do you need before Blair does what’s asked? 5000? 10,000? I challenge everyone who reads this to register at least one petition. Just let us know, and someone will sign it (perhaps). It could be for anything; scrap Arsenal and merge them with Spurs, for example. Let’s see if we can make Blighty a better place.

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